Labor activist Jalil Mohammadi was Arrested

Jalil Mohammadi, a labor activist and a member of the Coordination Committee to form trade unions, was arrested by security forces and taken to an unknown location.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019, labor activist and Kurdish citizen Jalil Mohammadi was arrested at his workplace and taken to an unknown location.

Mehrdad Amin Vaziri, a labor activist from Sanandaj, told the Campaign that: “at 10 AM Tuesday, Mr. Mohammadi was arrested by security forces at his workplace in Safari Street in Sanandaj.”

No information is available on reason for Mr. Mohammadi’s arrest and location of his detention.

According to Mr. Amin Vaziri, this citizen was frequently arrested by security forces during the years 2012-2016 because of his labor activities and because of this he has suffered severe physical problems.

On Monday, March 7th, 2016, on the eve of March 8, International Women’s Day, security forces raided the labor activist Jalil Mohammadi mother’s house. After searching the house and seized some of his personal belongings, including computers, cell phones, USB, and books, arrested him and taken to an unknown location.

Also, in June 2013, Mr. Mohammadi was arrested by security forces and released after 32 days of detention on 92 million Tomans bail, on Monday, July8th, 2013.

This labor activist was arrested along with a group of labor activists, on July 16th, 2012. He was sentenced to one-year imprisonment by the judiciary system.

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