Evin Prison: The Defendant in the AmadNews Case Committed Suicide

Reports indicate that one of the defendants in the AmadNews case committed suicide in Evin Prison. It was reported that the reason for this action was psychological pressures and unsuitable conditions of his detention.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, on Wednesday, one of the defendants in the AmadNews case, named “Tavana Mohammadi”, committed suicide by trying to cut his neck vein in Evin Prison on Wednesday July 15th, 2020.

Ali Sharifzadeh Ardakan, the prisoner’s lawyer, wrote on his personal Instagram page that Mr. Tavana was “saved from dying by the medical staff of Taleghani Hospital and was transferred to prison again after 4 hours of surgery.”

It is said that this action was taken by Mr. Tavana due to the unacceptable mental condition caused by the days of his detention, and as a result of the shock he received after his televised speech in court.

Tavana Mohammadi, born on June 23th, 1995, is one of the defendants in the AmadNews case, who was arrested after Ruhollah Zam; He is currently being held in Ward 4 of Evin Prison.

Mr. Mohammadi’s case is under investigation in Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court of Tehran on charges of “conspiracy and collusion against the national security of the country through cooperation with Ruhollah Zam.”

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