Three Citizens were Detained by Security Forces in Piranshahr

ایوب حدیثی، رحمان خدمتگذار و مراد مامه‌رش

Three citizens, Ayub Hadisi, Rahman Khedmatgozar and Murad Mamahrash, were detained by security forces in Piranshahr and taken to an unknown location.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, three citizens named Murad Mamahrash from the village of Pasveh, Ayub Hadisi, and Rahman Khedmatgozar from Piranshahr were arrested by security forces on the evening of January 29th, 2022.

According to the report, security forces detained Mr. Hadisi and Mr. Khedmatgozar at their workplace without a court order.

It should be noted that in this regard, two other citizens named Faryad Shilan, a resident of Piranshahr, and Ali Omarpour, a resident of Chianeh village in Piranshahr, were arrested on the same day.

An informed source regarding the arrest of these people told the campaign reporter: All these people are environmental activists in Piranshahr city.

As of this writing, no information is available on the reason for the arrests and the charges against these citizens.

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