Tahereh Naghiie was Summoned to Evin Courthouse to Serve her Prison Sentence

طاهره نقی‌ ئی

Tahereh Naghiie was summoned to Evin court to serve her prison sentence. She was previously sentenced to six months in prison and fined by the Tehran Revolutionary Court.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Tahereh Naghiie, the secretary general of the Iranian teachers’ organization, was summoned to the execution branch of the Evin Prosecutor’s Office to serve the prison sentence.

In August of this year, Tahereh Naghiie was sentenced to six months in prison and fined by Branch 26 of Tehran Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Iman Afshari. Propaganda against the regime was one of the accusations that Mrs. Naghiie faced during the trial.

The court hearing on Tahereh Naghiie’s charges was held June 11th, 2023.

According to this report, the sentence was later reduced to three months in prison during the appeal stage. By protesting this ruling, the case was referred to the Supreme Court and was confirmed exactly.

Tahereh Naghiie is the second vice president of the Reform Front, the Secretary General of Iran Teachers’ Organization, a teacher’s union activist, and the former secretary of high schools in Tehran District Five.

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