A Journalist was Sentenced to Six Months of Suspended Imprisonment and 100 Days of Imprisonment

مهرداد درواع

Mehrdad Darwaa, a journalist, was sentenced to six months of suspended imprisonment and 100 days of penal servitude by the Bandar Langeh Revolutionary Court.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, the International Federation of Journalists wrote in a report: “Mehrdad (Mohammed) Darwaa, a journalist living in Hormozgan province, has been sentenced to prison.”

According to the verdict issued by the Revolutionary Court of Bandar Lange, Mr. Darwaa was sentenced to six months of suspended imprisonment and 100 days of imprisonment for propaganda against the regime.

Mehrdad Darwaa was arrested by the security forces in Qeshm last year during the nationwide protests of 2023.

Mr. Darwaa was charged with propaganda against the regime, spreading lies, incitement with the intention of disrupting the security of the country and insulting the leadership. His charges was communicated to him by the representative of the prosecutor and then was released on three billion tomans bail on October 29th, 2023.

Mehrdad (Mohammed) Darwaa is a Sunni journalist and civic activist from Padel village, Bandarlange city, who works in local and national publications

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