Saeed Dustan was Arrested and Transferred to Evin Detention Center

سعید دوستان

Saeed Dustan, an Azerbaijani activist, was arrested and taken to Evin Prison after being called to the Ardabil Courthouse by judicial officers.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Saeed Dustan was detained by judicial officers at the Ardabil Courthouse and then moved to Evin Detention Center in Tehran on Tuesday, February 12th, 2024,

Saeed Dustan had been summoned to Branch 1 of the Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office of Ardabil County via an electronic notification through the Sana system. He faced charges of “assembly and collusion to commit crimes against internal/external security.”

After he went to the courthouse, he was detained, and authorities stated he would be transferred to Evin Detention Center for further proceedings.

Between February 5th, 6th and 8th, 2024, several Azerbaijani civil activists, including Morteza Parvin, Vadod Asadi, Baqer Hajizadeh, Ayaz Seifkhah, Saeed Minaii, Salar Taher Afshar, Kamal Nouri, Araz Aman, Taher Naqvi, and Abdullah Vahedi, were arrested in various cities by security forces, including Ardabil, Rasht, Urmia, Tabriz, Islamshahr Tehran, Karaj, and Astara. The whereabouts of some activists remain unknown.

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