Anwar Rostami, A Porter, was Injured in the Border Strip of Nosud

On the evening of Wednesday, January 25th, 2023, a porter from the village of Tazabad Serias, in the suburbs of Paveh, was severely injured in the head due to a fall from a mountain in the border zone of Nosud.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Anwar Rostami, about 50 years old and from the village of Tazabad, Serias, in the suburbs of Paveh city, was severely injured in the head due to a fall from the mountain and the elevation of the border strip of Nosud. He has been transferred to Taleghani hospital in Kermanshah for treatment.

In 2022, a total of 258 porters have been killed and wounded in the border region of Kurdistan, of which 43 porters have been killed and 215 porters have been injured. A total of 189 porters, equivalent to 73%, have been killed and wounded by the direct firing of border regimental and military forces.

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