Komar’s Father and Brother Were Summoned and Interrogated by Piranshahr Intelligence Department

حسن درافتاده، کومار درافتاده و ماردین درافتاده

Hassan Daroftade and Mardin Daroftade, Komar’s father and brother, were summoned and interrogated by the security forces of Piranshahr.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Hassan Daroftade and Mardin Daroftade, the father and brother of Komar Daroftade, one of the victims of the nationwide protests of “Women Life Freedom” were summoned to the Piranshahr Intelligence Department and interrogated on Monday, August 21st, 2023.

According to this report, “the security forces have threatened the family of the deceased to refrain from participating in ceremonies and activities in the virtual space on the anniversary of the nationwide protests.”

Hassan Daroftade was summoned to this office not long ago on his son’s birthday.

On the evening of Sunday, October 30th, 2022, Komar Daroftade, a 16-year-old teenager, was shot by the security forces, and his body was buried in the village of “Zioke” in Piranshahr on October 31st, 2022.

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