Soma Pourmohammadi, Kurdish Language Instructor, Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison and Exile

سوما پورمحمدی

Soma Pourmohammadi, a Kurdish language instructor and member of the board of directors of the cultural-social organization “Nozhin” in Sanandaj, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison and exile to Kermanshah Prison on charges of “forming groups and gangs with the intent of undermining national security.”

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, the verdict against this civil activist was issued by Branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj under the premiership of Judge “Karami” and has been notified to her.

Ms. Pourmohammadi had previously been sentenced to one year of suspended imprisonment by Branch 106 of the Criminal Court in Sanandaj on charges of “disturbing public order.”

Soma Pourmohammadi was arrested in December 2022 and was released on bail after about a month.

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