شنبه 15 فوریه 2025 تهران 21:08

کلیدواژه: Sarablah security forces

محمدحسین حاصلی

Mohammad Hossein Haseli was Beaten and Arrested by Sarabeleh Security Forces

Mohammad Hossein Haseli was arrested by the security forces. This citizen's house was destroyed after his arrest. Here, the severity of the damage to his house can be seen. Mr. Haseli was severely beaten...
ارشک قیصربیگی

A 15-Year-Old Teenager Was Arrested by the Sarablah City Security Forces

The security forces arrested a 15-year-old teenager named Arshak Qaisarbigi and transferred him to the Sarablah city intelligence department detention center. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Arshak Qaisarbigi,...

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