Mohammad Hossein Haseli was Beaten and Arrested by Sarabeleh Security Forces

محمدحسین حاصلی

Mohammad Hossein Haseli was arrested by the security forces. This citizen’s house was destroyed after his arrest. Here, the severity of the damage to his house can be seen. Mr. Haseli was severely beaten during his arrest.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, a citizen named Mohammad Hossein Haseli from Sarab Bagh, Abdanan, was arrested by the security forces and taken to an unknown place on Wednesday, July 26th, 2023.

According to an informed source, this citizen was arrested by the security forces without a court order.

This informed source added: The security forces have arrested Mr. Haseli with violence in his private home.

As of writing this news, there is no information about the reason for the arrest and the charges against this citizen.

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