Ten-Year Sentence for Sarveh Pourmohammadi from Sanandaj

سروه پورمحمدی

Sarveh Pourmohammadi, a member of “Nojin” Social Cultural Association, was sentenced to ten years in prison by the Sanandaj Revolutionary Court on “forming a group” charge.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Sarveh Pourmohammadi, a member of “Nojin” Social Cultural Association, was sentenced to 10 years in prison by the first branch of the Sanandaj Revolutionary Court.

The Sanandaj Revolutionary Court, headed by Judge (Karami), has issued this sentence to Ms. Pourmohammadi on the charge of “forming groups and factions”.

The prison sentence of this “Nojin” member was communicated to her through her lawyers, Dr. Javamir Abdullahi and Hayman Majidi on Thursday October 26th, 2023.

On Monday, the 24th of Bahman 1401, Sarveh Pourmohammadi was temporarily released from Sanandaj Correctional Center by posting a bond on February 13th, 2023.

She was arrested by security forces on Sunday, January 29th, 2023. This citizen was following the situation of the arrested members of the social-cultural association “Nojin” in the Sanandaj Revolutionary Court.

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