Execution of an Afghan National in Tabriz for the Murder of an Iranian Employer Due to Unpaid Wages

ولی‌الله بخت‌آور

The death sentence for Valiollah Bakhtavar, a 33-year-old Afghan national, was carried out in Tabriz Central Prison on Thursday, April 17th, 2024. He was convicted of intentionally murdering his Iranian employer.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Bakhtavar had worked in a fruit stand before his arrest and had a dispute with his employer over unpaid wages, which escalated into the murder of the employer.

The execution of this prisoner has not been announced by Iranian domestic media or official sources.

The lack of classification for intentional murder in Iran leads to any type of murder, regardless of the severity, weakness, or motive of the accused, resulting in a death penalty.

The Human Rights Organization of Iran, while expressing regret over this action, has emphasized the need to abolish the death penalty in Iran.

The organization has also called for a thorough review of Bakhtavar’s case and assurance that he received a fair trial.

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