چهارشنبه 23 اکتبر 2024 تهران 05:42

کلیدواژه: teacher

عزیز قاسم‌زاده

Aziz Qasemzadeh, Teachers’ Union Activist, Sentenced to One Year in Prison

The prison sentence of Aziz Qasemzadeh, a teacher and union activist from Gilan, was reduced from two years to one year by Branch 18 of the Gilan Provincial Court of Appeals. According to the Campaign...
صادق کنعانی

Sanandaj Security Forces; Sadegh Kanaani, a Teacher and Cultural Activist, was Arrested

Security agents in the city of Sanandaj arrested Sadegh Kanaani and transferred him to an unknown location. The details of the charges against this teacher are not yet known. According to the Campaign for the...
رضا طهماسبی

Reza Tahmasebi, a Member of the Cultural Association of Kurdistan Province-Sanandaj, was Arrested by Security Forces

Reza Tahmasebi, a member of the Kurdistan Province Cultural Association, was arrested by security forces in Sanandaj and taken to an unknown location. The details of the charges against this union activist are not...

به اتهام درگیری با یک بسیجی: اجرای مجازات شلاق جمشید گل‌اندامی در مهاباد

مجازات ۲۵۰ ضربه شلاق حد صادره برای «جمشید گل‌اندامی» زندانی‌ای که سال پیش با یک "بسیجی" در «مهاباد» درگیر شده بود، اجرا شد. به گزارش کمپین دفاع از زندانیان سیاسی و مدنی، مجازات شلاق زدن...

کمپین را در شبکه‌های اجتماعی ببینید

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