چهارشنبه 23 اکتبر 2024 تهران 05:42

کلیدواژه: Tehran Revolutionary Court

آزادی از زندان

Political Activist Peyman Jamshidian Released from Evin Prison After Serving Sentence

Peyman Jamshidian, a political activist who was previously sentenced to one year in prison on charges of propaganda activities against the regime, was released from Evin Prison after serving his sentence on Wednesday, July...
نرگس محمدی

Narges Mohammadi Did Not Attend Court; Her Lawyer Defended Her Against Charges of “Propaganda Against the Regime”

On Saturday, June 8, 2024, the trial session for Narges Mohammadi, the human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, was held in Branch 29 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court without her presence. According to...
مهناز طراح

Mahnaz Tarah, Civil Activist, Granted Leave

Mahnaz Tarah, a civil and environmental activist who was serving her sentence in Evin Prison, was granted a five-day leave on Monday, May 6th, 2024. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and...
کیوان رحیمیان

Appeals Court Upholds Nine-Year Prison Sentence for Baha’i Citizen Keyvan Rahimian

Branch 36 of the Tehran Appeals Court confirmed the nine-year prison sentence, six-year social rights deprivation, and monetary fine imposed on a Baha'i citizen. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil...
سپیده قلیان

Sepideh Ghalyan, Civil Activist, Goes on Hunger Strike in Protest Against Her Exile to Evin Prison

Sepideh Ghalyan, a civil activist imprisoned in Evin Prison, has gone on a hunger strike in protest against her exile to Evin Prison and the failure to transfer her to the prison in her...
روح‌الله نخعی

Journalist Rohullah Nakhaei Went to Prison

Ruhollah Nakhaei, a journalist who had previously been sentenced to two years in prison by the Revolutionary Court, has been transferred to prison to serve his sentence. According to the Campaign for the Defense of...
کیوان رحیمیان

Tehran Revolutionary Court: Keyvan Rahimian Sentenced to 9 Years in Prison

Keyvan Rahimian, a Bahá'í citizen, has been sentenced to 9 years in prison by the Tehran Revolutionary Court on charges of deviant educational or propagandistic activities conflicting with or contrary to the sacred laws...
سعید عزیزی

Five-Year Prison Sentence for Saeed Azizi, a Dual-citizen, in the Revolutionary Court of Tehran

Saeed Azizi, a politically accused with dual Iranian-Swedish citizenship, has been sentenced to five years in prison by the twenty-sixth branch of the Tehran Revolutionary Court. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political...
طاهره نقی‌ ئی

Tahereh Naghiie was Summoned to Evin Courthouse to Serve her Prison Sentence

Tahereh Naghiie was summoned to Evin court to serve her prison sentence. She was previously sentenced to six months in prison and fined by the Tehran Revolutionary Court. According to the Campaign for the Defense...
سیامک ابراهیمی و شاهرخ احمدی

Tehran Revolutionary Court: Siamak Ebrahimi and Shahrukh Ahmadi Were Sentenced to Total of 9 Years and 8 Months in Prison

Two citizens living in Tehran were sentenced to a total of 9 years and 8 months in prison. This sentence has been issued due to charges such as gathering and collusion with the intention...
آرش صادقی

Civil Activist Arash Sadeghi was Sentenced to Four Years and Three Months in Prison

Civil activist Arash Sadeghi was sentenced to four years and three months in prison by the Tehran Revolutionary Court. This sentence has been issued for accusations such as gathering and collusion and propaganda activity...
جمشید شارمهد

Jamshid Sharmahd’s Death Sentence on “Corruption in the Land” charge was Confirmed by the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court uphold Jamshid Sharmahd’s death sentence. He was previously sentenced to death by the Tehran Revolutionary Court on the charge of "corruption on earth". According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political...
هژیر باخویشی

Tehran Revolutionary Court; A Court Hearing was Held on Hojir Bakhoishi’s Charges

The court hearing for Hojir Bakhoishi's charges was held at the branch of Tehran Revolutionary Court. He was previously accused of conspiring and colluding against the security of the country. According to the Campaign for...
Mohammad Javaheri, Binyamin Moghdisi and Azin Saidi Nasab

Nationwide Protests; The Tehran Revolutionary Court Sentenced Three Students to More Than 14 Years of Imprisonment and Additional Punishments

The 29th branch of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, headed by Ali Mazloum, issued a verdict and sentenced Binyamin Moghdisi to prison. Also, the Tehran Revolutionary Court, by issuing a verdict, sentenced Tehran University student...

نامه مهدی مسکین نواز در پی منع واردات واکسن توسط علی خامنه ای

مهدی مسکین نواز، زندانی سیاسی محبوس در زندان رجائی‌شهر کرج، در واکنش به دستور علی‌خامنه‌ای مبنی بر منع واردات واکسن معتبر، ونهایتا با کشته شدن صدها تن از شهروندان بر اثر ابتلا به ویروس...

میثاق بین‌المللی حقوق اقتصادی، اجتماعی و فرهنگی

کشورهای‌ طرف‌ این‌ میثاق‌ با توجه‌ به‌ این که‌ بر طبق‌ اصولی‌ که‌ در منشور ملل‌ متحد اعلام‌ گردیده‌ است‌، شناسایی‌ حیثیت‌ ذاتی‌ و حقوق‌ یکسان‌ و غیرقابل‌ انتقال‌ کلیه‌ اعضای خانواده‌ بشر مبنای‌...

کمپین را در شبکه‌های اجتماعی ببینید

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