یکشنبه 8 سپتامبر 2024 تهران 10:33

کلیدواژه: Beat

بهزاد براهویی

Identity of Two Iranian-Baloch Citizens Arrested in Zahedan Confirmed

The identities of two Iranian-Baloch Citizens who were violently arrested by military forces in Zahedan on Saturday, June 14, 2024, have been confirmed. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners,...
زندان قزل‌حصار کرج

An Attack on the Political Prisoners in Ghezel Hesar Prison Because of Their Protest Against the Four Political Prisoners Planned Execution

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, the latest news from Ghezel Hesar prison in Karaj indicates that the prison guard attacked political prisoners in the fourth ward of...
نازیلا معروفیان

Tehran: Nazila Maroufian was Beaten and Arrested by the Security Forces in her Home

Nazila Maroufian, a journalist from Saqez and a resident of Tehran, was arrested and beaten in her home and taken to an unknown location. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil...
محمدحسین حاصلی

Mohammad Hossein Haseli was Beaten and Arrested by Sarabeleh Security Forces

Mohammad Hossein Haseli was arrested by the security forces. This citizen's house was destroyed after his arrest. Here, the severity of the damage to his house can be seen. Mr. Haseli was severely beaten...
مهسا امینی

Tehran; A Few Minutes Ago, Mahsa Amini Died in Kasra Hospital Due to Severe Injuries

Mahsa Amini, from Saqez, fell into a coma after being arrested by the Guidance Patrol) Gasht-e Ershad (. While she was visiting Tehran with her family, she was arrested and beaten by agents on...
ناهید شیرپیشه و سعید دامور

In Intensifying the Pressure on the Families of the November 2019 Uprising’s Victims, Two People were Arrested

In the continuation of harassment and aggravation by the security and intelligence agencies against the family of November 2019 uprising petitioner, a number of these petitioners, including Nahid Shirpisheh and Saeed Damour, have been...

از حاشیه تا متن مهاباد: تنها روایت معتبر، روایت مردمی است که خیابان‌ها را تسخیر می‌کنند

یادداشتی از شاهد علوی روزنامه‌نگار در ضرورت آتش زدن هتلی که سرعت زیاد در حرکت، هنگام خروج از "اتاق بالکن دار آن"، موجب سقوط از پنجره و مرگ می‌شود. زمانی که قانون به کاغذپاره‌های بی‌ارزشی در...

کمپین را در شبکه‌های اجتماعی ببینید

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