چهارشنبه 23 اکتبر 2024 تهران 05:42

کلیدواژه: political Prisoner

پخشان عزیزی

Denial of Lawyer and Family Visits for Pakhshan Azizi by Prosecutor’s Order

Pakhshan Azizi, a political prisoner sentenced to death, has been denied visits with her lawyers and family in Evin Prison. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Pakhshan Azizi has...
سیامک امینی

Siamak Amini, Political Prisoner in Evin Prison, Denied Visitation

Siamak Amini, a political prisoner held in Evin Prison, has been deprived of family visitation for three weeks. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, this punitive measure has been...
کوثر دهبان زاده

Arrest of Kosar Dehban Zadeh and Transfer to Shiraz Intelligence Deteftion Center

Kosar Dehban Zadeh, the sister of political prisoner Meysam Dehban Zadeh, has been in detention for 8 days and is being held at the Intelligence Detention Center in Shiraz. According to the Campaign for the...
شکیلا منفرد

Shakila Monfared, Political Prisoner, Arrested During Medical Leave and Transferred to Evin Prison

Shakila Monfared, a political prisoner who was on medical leave, was arrested and transferred to Evin Prison on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, despite her treatment being incomplete. She was detained with violence after appearing...
رضا سلمان زاده

Report on Reza Salmanzadeh’s Unsuitable Condition in Karaj’s Qezel Hesar Prison

Reza Salmanzadeh, a political prisoner detained in Karaj's Qezel Hesar Prison, despite suffering from multiple physical issues, has been deprived of adequate medical attention. According to the Campaign for Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners,...
کامران قاسمی

Kamran Qasemi’s Hunger Strike Following Deprivation of Leave and Transfer to Solitary Confinement

Kamran Qasemi, a Kurdish political prisoner incarcerated in Urmia Prison, has embarked on a hunger strike in protest against the authorities' refusal to grant him furlough and conditional release. Following this action, he has...
مجید توکلی

Majid Tavakoli’s Six-Year Prison Sentence was Confirmed by the Appeals Court

Tehran Court of Appeals Branch 54, confirmed the six years imprisonment sentence and additional punishments for Majid Tavakoli, a political prisoner in Evin prison on Tuesday, January 30th, 2024. According to the Campaign for the...
زینب جلالیان

Yazd Prison; Television Confessions and Expressions of Regret are the Conditions for Zainab Jalalian Access to Medical Services

Zeinab Jalalian, a Kurdish political prisoner in Yazd prison, is denied access to medical services. This prisoner, who is in the 16th year of her imprisonment, has been threatened by the security agencies with...
نرگس محمدی

Narges Mohammadi Started a Hunger Strike

Narges Mohammadi started a hunger strike on Monday, November 6th, 2023, to protest the Evin prison officials’ decision to reject sending her to the hospital. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and...
انتقال زندانیان

Closing Rajaei Shahr Prison in Karaj, Seven Political Prisoners Were Transferred to Evin Prison

The closure of the Rajaei Shahr prison in Karaj is in progress, and accordingly, seven political prisoners named Saeed Masouri, Afshin Baimani, Hamzeh Sawari Lafteh, Matlab Ahmadian, Luqman Aminpour, Mohammad Shafie and Saman Saidi...
شکیلا منفرد

Evin Prison: Shakila Monfared’s Poor Physical Condition and Lack of Access to Medical Services

Shakila Monfared, a political prisoner in Evin Prison, despite being sick, has been deprived of being sent to the hospital and medical leave. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners,...
زینب جلالیان

The 16th Year of Imprisonment, a Report on Zainab Jalalian’s Last Condition, the Longest Female Political Prisoner in Yazd

Be the voice of Zeinab Jalalian/ She is the first female Iranian-Kurdish political prisoner who was sentenced to life imprisonment. She is in her 16th year of imprisonment without a single day of temporary...
سام رجبی

Sam Rajabi, a Political Prisoner, was Sent on Leave from Evin Prison

Sam Rajabi, a political prisoner imprisoned in Evin prison, was sent on leave after posting bail. He was previously sentenced to six years in prison by the Tehran Revolutionary Court. According to the Campaign for...
زهره سرو

Lack of Access to Proper Medical Services, a Report on Zohreh Sarv, a Political Prisoner in Evin Prison

Zohreh Sarv, a political prisoner in Evin prison, has been denied the medical treatment after contracting an infectious disease. She is serving her five-year prison sentence. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political...
محمدتقی فلاحی

Mohammad Taghi Fallahi, a Retired Teacher and Political Prisoner, was Released from Evin Prison

Mohammad Taghi Fallahi, a retired teacher and political prisoner, imprisoned in Evin Prison, was released from Evin prison at the end of his sentence. He was previously sentenced to six months in prison by...
متین حسنوند

Political Prisoner, Matin Hassanvand, Imprisoned in Maku Prison, Ended His Life, After Being Sent on Prison Leave

Matin Hassanvand, a political prisoner imprisoned in Maku prison, died after attempting suicide. He was previously sentenced to five years in prison and exile by the Revolutionary Court of Urmia on charges of membership...
فیروز موسی لو

Firuz Musalou, a Political Prisoner, was Executed in Urmia Central Prison

Firuz Musalou, a political prisoner, was executed in Urmia Central Prison. He was transferred to solitary confinement on Saturday after being summoned to a prison guard officer. This prisoner was executed without visiting his...

گزارشی از تجمع فرهنگیان در سراسر کشور؛ بازداشت دست‌کم ۱۵ تن از فعالان صنفی معلمان

پس از فراخوان «شورای هماهنگی کانون‌های صنفی معلمان کشور» مبنی بر برگزاری تجمع معلمان، صبح روز جاری، پنج‌شنبه ۲۰ اردیبهشت‌ماه در تهران و سایر شهرستان ها تجمعات سراسری برگزار شد. در تهران این تجمع...

هاشم خواستار: “همکاران فرهنگی از تجمع اعتراضی معلمان در ۳۱ تیر حمایت کنید”

«هاشم خواستار» درباره فراخوان دعوت "فرهنگیان" به شرکت در "تجمع اعتراضی معلمان سراسر کشور" در حمایت از «اسماعیل عبدی» و معلمان در بند گفته: "همکاران فرهنگی از تجمع اعتراضی معلمان در ۳۱ تیرماه حمایت...

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