یکشنبه 5 می 2024 تهران 13:38

کلیدواژه: Summons

سامان اویسی

Arrest of a Kurdish Young Man in Mahabad After Summoning to IRGC Intelligence

In recent days, a Kurdish young man named "Saman Oveysi" from Mahabad was arrested after being summoned to the IRGC intelligence department in the city. According to the Campaign to Defend Civil and Political Prisoners,...
جمال عاملی

Jamal Ameli Transferred to Evin Prison

Jamal Ameli, a resident of Tehran, has been transferred to Evin Prison to serve his one-year sentence. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Mr. Ameli was detained after appearing...
میلاد، امید و زهرا سعیدیان جو

Siblings of Deceased November 2022 Protesters Summoned to Izeh Courthouse

Omid Saidianjo and Zahra Saidianjo, summoned to the second branch of Izeh Courthouse on charges of "propaganda against the regime and disrupting public order". According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil...
احضار و بازجویی

IRGC Information: Summoning 50 Citizens in Chahardange City

IRGC intelligence has summoned 50 citizens in Chahardange city on the charge of (leadership of cyber space in nationwide protests) in that city. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners,...
لیلا مهدوی

House Search and Summoning of Leila Mahdavi to Evin Courthouse

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, on Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023, the house of Leila Mahdavi, the mother of Siavash Mahmoudi, one of the victims of the nationwide...
حسن درافتاده، کومار درافتاده و ماردین درافتاده

Komar’s Father and Brother Were Summoned and Interrogated by Piranshahr Intelligence Department

Hassan Daroftade and Mardin Daroftade, Komar’s father and brother, were summoned and interrogated by the security forces of Piranshahr. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Hassan Daroftade and Mardin...
وحید سرخ گل

Vahid Sorkhgol from Kermanshah was Summoned and Arrested

Vahid Sorkhgol, a residence of Kermanshah, was arrested by the security agencies and taken to an unknown place while appearing before the city prosecutor's office. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and...
علی امیدی

Ali Omidi, a Lawyer, was Summoned to Khorramabad General and Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office

Ali Omidi, a lawyer, was summoned to Khorramabad Public and Revolutionary Office to be notified of the charges. He is going to be tried for the charge of propaganda activity against the regime. According to...
رادا فاتحی

Rada Fatehi was Summoned to Sanandaj Criminal Court

Rada Fatehi was summoned to Sanandaj Criminal Court. She was informed earlier by receiving a written notification to present the last defense. There is still no information about the accusations against Mrs. Fatehi. According to...
ماموستا محمد باغبانی

Summoning Teacher Mohammad Baghbani, Haider Karar Mosque’s Imam in Sanandaj to the Hamedan Clergy Court

Teacher Mohammad Baghbani, Haider Karar Mosque’s Imam in Sanandaj, was summoned to the Hamedan Clergy Court. There is still no information about the charges against this cleric. According to the Campaign for the Defense of...
امید ابراهیمی

Omid Ebrahimi was Arrested After Being Summoned to the Oshnoyeh Intelligence Department

Omid Ebrahimi was arrested after being summoned to the Intelligence Department of Oshnoyeh city. There is still no information about the charges against this citizen. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and...

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