شنبه 27 جولای 2024 تهران 05:10

کلیدواژه: interrogation

آرین کوخایی

Arian Kokhaei was Arrested by the Security Forces and Taken to Ilam Central Prison

Arian Kokhaei, a residence of Ilam, was arrested again by the security forces and transferred to the central prison of Ilam. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Arian Kokhaei,...
حسن درافتاده، کومار درافتاده و ماردین درافتاده

Komar’s Father and Brother Were Summoned and Interrogated by Piranshahr Intelligence Department

Hassan Daroftade and Mardin Daroftade, Komar’s father and brother, were summoned and interrogated by the security forces of Piranshahr. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Hassan Daroftade and Mardin...
مهمانی شبانه

173 People Were Arrested in a “Night Party” in Razavi Khorasan Province

Security agents arrested 173 citizens by raiding a night party in Targaba, Mashhad. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Jafari, the deputy prosecutor of Targaba and Shandiz cities located...
وحید سرخ گل

Vahid Sorkhgol from Kermanshah was Summoned and Arrested

Vahid Sorkhgol, a residence of Kermanshah, was arrested by the security agencies and taken to an unknown place while appearing before the city prosecutor's office. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and...

Two Citizens Were Arrested Following a Clash With “Amer Be Marouf (Commanding Good) in Central Province

The police force in the central province, by publishing a report, said that they have arrested two citizens during the clash with "Amar Be Marouf"(Commanding Good). According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political...
مهدی سیفی

Mehdi Seifi, a Former Political Prisoner, was Arrested by the Security Forces in Nowshahr

Mehdi Seifi, a former political prisoner, has been arrested and transferred to an unknown location following an attack by security forces in Nowshahr. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners,...
محمدحسین حاصلی

Mohammad Hossein Haseli was Beaten and Arrested by Sarabeleh Security Forces

Mohammad Hossein Haseli was arrested by the security forces. This citizen's house was destroyed after his arrest. Here, the severity of the damage to his house can be seen. Mr. Haseli was severely beaten...
سما عموشاهی، مینا ندایی، مرجان بشتام، مهشاد کشانی، محمدرضا قطبی‌زاده، هدی صادقی، روزبه دانا، عرفان میرکاظمی و امیر سالاری

9 Citizens were Arrested by Security Forces in Isfahan

The security forces in Isfahan province arrested 9 citizens and transferred them to the detention center of the Intelligence Department and Dastgerd prison in Isfahan. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and...

A Citizen was Arrested by Security Police in Bushehr

Security police officers in Bushehr province arrested a citizen and handed him over to the prosecutor's office. This citizen has been arrested on the charge of "insulting Islamic holy things and insulting ethnic groups...
ارشک قیصربیگی

A 15-Year-Old Teenager Was Arrested by the Sarablah City Security Forces

The security forces arrested a 15-year-old teenager named Arshak Qaisarbigi and transferred him to the Sarablah city intelligence department detention center. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Arshak Qaisarbigi,...
محمد مرادی

Mohammad Moradi was Arrested Again by the “Plain Clothes” Security Forces in Sari City

Mohammad Moradi was arrested by the " Plain Clothes" security forces in Sari and taken to an unknown location. He was arrested earlier and released after posting bail. According to the Campaign for the Defense...
یاسین بداغی و ایمان بداغی

Khuzestan Province: Two Citizens Were Arrested by IRGC Intelligence in Omidiye City

Yasin Badaghi and Iman Badaghi were arrested by IRGC intelligence in Omidiye city and taken to an unknown location. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Iman Badaghi from Pian...

Two Protesting Citizens Against “Mandatory Hijab” Were Arrested in Qom

Security forces in Qom arrested two women protesting against the "mandatory hijab". In this report, the identity of the arrested people is not mentioned. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil...
ماموستا امین قیصری

Mamosta Amin Ghaysari, Friday’s Prayer Imam and Sunni Congregation was Arrested by Baneh security forces

Mamosta Amin Ghaysari, Friday’s Prayer and Congregation Imam of one of Baneh villages was arrested by the security forces. There is still no information about the reasons for the for the arrest of this...
معصومه سلیمانی

Masoumeh Soleimani was Arrested by the Security Forces in Khorramabad

Masoume Soleimani, a wrestling coach and referee, a resident of Khorramabad, was arrested by the security forces and taken to an unknown location. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners,...
علی جهانیان

Ali Jahanian, a Poet and Political Activist, was Arrested by the Nahavand Ministry of Intelligence

Nahavand Ministry of Intelligence arrested poet and political activist Ali Jahanian and transferred him to an unknown place. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Ali Jahanian, a poet and...
عبدالله مومنی

Abdullah Momeni was Arrested by Security Forces in Tehran

Security forces in Tehran arrested Abdullah Momeni, a political activist. He was arrested in his own home. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, on the morning of Thursday April...
ستایش داروغه و ستایش امیری

The Arrest of Three Girls in Connection with “Serial Poisonings” by the Security Forces in Lorestan

Irfaneh Honar, Setayesh Darogheh and Setayesh Amiri were arrested by the security forces in connection with the serial poisonings in Lorestan and were taken to the quarantine ward of Adel Abad prison in Shiraz. According...
استان قم

Arrest of Several Citizens Following a Clash With (Amer Be Maruf – Ordering Good) Staff in Qom

Police officers in Qom province arrested several women after a fight with (Amer Be Maruf). According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, in recent days, several citizens were arrested by...
هژیر باخویشی

Tehran Revolutionary Court; A Court Hearing was Held on Hojir Bakhoishi’s Charges

The court hearing for Hojir Bakhoishi's charges was held at the branch of Tehran Revolutionary Court. He was previously accused of conspiring and colluding against the security of the country. According to the Campaign for...

کمپین را در شبکه‌های اجتماعی ببینید

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